She and Her / Collaboration
“She and Her is a group of artists based in Long Beach, CA., who occupied the ILGWU in Downtown Long Beach for the month of July in 2014. Dawn Ertl, Tava Tedesco, and Krista Feld exhibited their art and produced new work in the space for the residency. 
During the month of July, these ladies taught knitting and weaving to the public every Tuesday evening from 7-9 pm. On Wednesdays, they hosted Maker (Knitting) Movie Nights from 6-9 pm. On Second Saturday and Third Thursday, they exhibited their work in the storefront, and they also hosted a local artist gift shop in Site Space from 3-10 pm.“ 
taken from:
Special Thanks to Steven Frost, our go-to person while completing this project, and for finding all the cool needlepoint & embroidery images to advertise our movie nights. 
And an extra special thanks to Carole Francis Lung, A.K.A. Frau Fiber, for letting us do this in your space.
Krista Feld, hand knitted clothing, and woven wall pieces 
Tava Tedesco’s Site Space Trailer hosted a store full of handmade gifts from local artists but is usually used as a space she runs as an Artist Residency Program.
movie maker night in action
Dawn Ertl, weavings
Knitting and weaving workshops

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